An expert has revealed that men can now cure erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculati0n by doing a simple exercise.
*Photo used for illustrative purpose*
Are you desperately looking for a way to cure your erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculati0n? The answer you have been looking for according to Dailystar has been provided.
Whether its a case of erectile dysfunction (ED), premature ejaculati0n (PE) or urinary incontinence, a simple schlong workout is the antidote. Men should practice doing kegels or pelvic floor exercises for stronger erections and more sexual stamina in the bedroom. When you get hard, your pelvic muscles keep the blood in the shaft of your pen!s.
Strengthening your pubococcygeus (PC) muscle by doing pelvic floor exercises can help you improve the control you have over ejaculati0ns while also leading to firmer erections.
That’s because your PC muscle, which stretches from your pubic bone to your tailbone, is what controls your ejaculati0n and daily kegels can trigger good blood flow to the pen!s.
Speaking exclusively to Daily Star Online, celebrity GP Dr Pixie McKenna said: “No, these aren’t just for girls. Pelvic floor exercises can also help lots of men last longer.”
In an exclusive interview with Daily Star Online, Jackie Hall, registered nurse at AXA PPP healthcare, gave us the low-down on what you should do if you’re suffering from finishing too early.
She said: “Occasional episodes of premature ejaculati0n are common and are not a cause for concern.
“However, if you are finding that around half of your attempts to have intercourse result in premature ejaculati0n then it might help to get treatment.
“An ejaculati0n problem can often have physical and psychological causes – for example, if a man has previously had a health condition that made it difficult to maintain an erection, it may now cause anxiety, leading to premature ejaculati0n.
“If you have premature ejaculati0n caused by physical conditions, your GP should be able to suggest possible treatment options.
“Treating premature ejaculati0n caused by psychological factors can be more challenging, but most men who persevere with treatment have successful outcomes.”
Meanwhile men with erectile dysfunction should consult their doctor about possible treatment options.
Jackie said: “Erectile dysfunction is a very common condition, particularly in older men. It can have a range of causes that can be both physical and psychological. Although you may be embarrassed, it is important that a healthcare professional diagnoses ED so that the cause can be identified.
“Erectile dysfunction is primarily treated by tackling the cause of the problem. The narrowing of the arteries – called atherosclerosis – is one of the most common causes of erect!le dysfunction.
“In these cases your GP may suggest lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, to try to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. This may help to relieve your symptoms as well as improving your general health.
“You may also be given medication to treat atherosclerosis, such as cholesterol-lowering statins and drugs to reduce your blood pressure. Psychological treatments include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and sex therapy.
“Overall, treatments for ED have improved significantly in recent years. These days most people are eventually able to return to successful intercourse. If you have any concerns, you should seek the help of a medical professional.”
How do I do pelvic floor exercises?
The simple workout is actually really easy to do and it can be done pretty much anytime, anywhere. Start by contracting the PC muscle, which is the same one you use to stop peeing.
Squeeze and hold for between three and five seconds, then relax. Do one set of 10, three times a day.
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