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These days Men tend to misjudge the si ze of their pen!s, due to viewing it from above. Research shows that many men believe that their pen!s is smaller than normal when they actually have a normal siz ed pen!s.

The famous s exual!ty researchers, Masters and Johnson, say that pen!s size has no physical effect on female s exu@l sat!sfaction. The most important thing in s exu@l satisfaction for women is org@sm. “Usually when women complain about a small pen!s, it’s also that they’re not having org@sms.”
Large pen!ses don’t equal an instant org@sm. In fact, pen!s siz es that skew large can deter women’s org@sms, and it wouldn’t be top in their priorities.
Women in various studies reported that pen!s WIDTH was more important for their s exu@l satisfaction than pen!s LENGTH. The question is whether these results are statistically significant? 

Well, the truth is that while some partners may enjoy larger-sized men, the pen!s size in and of itself is generally not the key to sexu@l sat!sfaction. 

Here are some facts with female s*exual satisfaction, which could be achieved by even a small pen!s: For many women, the cl!toris plays a primary role in org@sm ability, as does the area around and just inside the v@ginal opening, which is full of nerve endings.
As a result, grinding during interc@urse and other types of external st imu lation (such as hand or o ral stim ulati on of a partner’s ge nitals) are generally equally, if not more, satisfying than deep penetr@tion. Women who enjoy G-sp ot s timul ation also benefit from more sha llow stim ulat ion.
Ultimately, enjoyable s*x is a fu nction of int ima cy, the connection between two partners and the many other inta ngi bles that make s*x meaningful. We all need to work with what we have and men of all shapes and siz es can do plenty to learn to s*tisfy and ple*sure their pa rtner. 


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