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Women are complex people and their needs varies widely based on religious beliefs, geographical zones and also sexual and emotional needs. but what do women really need in a relationship from men? In other words, what are the qualities they aspire for in men, that wouldn't make them hesitate when asked out on a date or for a serious relationship? Good sex , romance and absolute love is basic and required of all men to women. Here are the other important qualities men must have to that women crave for:

• Women Love Men Who Are Sincere 

There's really no way for a woman to verify if a man is lying or not about his feelings towards her. Women really get hurt especially when it results from a lie after she believed so much in the relationship and was ready to go all the way to make it work.

• Courages Alpha Males

Women secretly love men who have true genes of manliness both physically and in character.  Brief words of sincerity from such men  and ladies are head over heels in love. Women despise men who are so clingy, constantly show desperation, or men they can control. Women are that good at detecting males who have good Alpha attributes.

 Men Who Give Their Women Space

Women love space although not as much as men but there are times she just wants to be alone, be herself. She just might want to hang out with girlfriends for a while and really wouldn't like to be accompanied or interrogated always about where she is and what she is presently up to.

• Clean Man, Good Manners , Well Dressed

A typical description of the perfect gentle man. Which lady wouldn't like to have such men for just a minute, just to show off to their friends or even be in a serious relationship with a man who takes care  of himself and has good manners toward her friends and family. Most especially when he looks exquisite and her girl friends secretly gives her the "thumbs up" for approval.

• Men Who Are Caring And Loyal In The Relationship

There is a big different between caring men and a "mugu" a word well used in Nigeria for men who are just slaves and providers in a relationship and nothing more is to be gained from them. There is a time to be caring as a man and she knows a typical caring man who would go the extra mile if need be just to keep her happy to her every necessary need.

Women are always in some sort of fear that they would loose their man from cheating, lies or disloyalty one way or the other so therefore would really cling to men who show commitment and loyalty to the relationship.

• Learned And Intelligent Men

Women love such qualities in a man. What's the need of having a man around always when he doesn't get to crack his brains and be the genius? She would really get irritated quickly with the relationship if she has to always be the one to make the major decisions that usually requires a speck of brilliance. She wouldn't like to even be in a gathering with you where important matters are discussed and you make an attempt to lay your opinion.

• The Protector, The Defender

You've seen that even in super hero movies like Spider Man, Need for Speed, Super Man and many more where the woman trips for a man who has this daredevil abilities to protect his own at all cost. In the real world, no one is asking you to catch a grenade. Just be there for her when the going gets really rough.

• Exquisite Sense Of Humor

No woman likes a man who can't make her laugh in the very least. Women love to laugh there brains out and if you can make her laugh, you're just a few steps away from grabbing hold of her heart for a relationship. But you must make mature jokes and romantic pranks not the ones kindergatern or Juveniles constantly roll out, or risk her totally avoiding you as a kid who's still studying "Yo Mama" diss at high school.

• Money

Women love money and women love men who love money and have money, lots of it. Even if she's presently in a relationship with you and you think she doesn't mind if you have the money or not, do a serious rethink and start making plans to acquire that cash as soon as possible. Women have needs and they always like to look good. It's just natural with them and if they dont have the financial means to look good and fashionable they would jump into a relationship with a man who's got the means and financial capabilities.  Money must be readily available for them in the relationship


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