B reast cancer is a dangerous ailment that has claimed the lives of many women over the years. These are some of the signs of b reast cancer you should not joke with.
1. Lump or thickening in your b reast or armpit
2. Change to the skin of your b reast
3. Changes in the shape or size of your b reast
4. Dimpling of the skin or thickening in the b reast tissue
5. A nipple that's turned in (inverted)
6. A rash (like eczema) on the nipple
7. N ipple changes or discharge
8. Pain in your b reast
9. Any other unusual or persistent changes to your b reast
What should I do if I have any of these symptoms?
See your GP as soon as possible if you notice any symptoms of b reast cancer. Your GP will examine you. If they think your symptoms need further assessment they'll refer you to a specialist b reast cancer clinic.
Don't be worried about wasting your doctor's time – it's always better to be safe than sorry.
How is b reast cancer diagnosed?
The most common way doctors look for b reast cancer in women is to identify lumps in the b reast. They most often do this with mammogram x-rays and sometimes an ultrasound scan – usually in women over 35.
These tests will detect whether there are any unusual lumps or bumps inside the b reast. If they find anything worrying they will then do a biopsy, where a sample of tissue cells is taken from the b reast to see if it's cancerous.
You may also need a scan and a needle test on lymph nodes in your armpit (axilla) to see whether these are also affected.
If you do have a cancerous lump, your specialist will then decided the best corse of treatment.
How is b reast cancer treated?
Due to medical advances there are now a whole host of different treatment options for b reast cancer.
Depending on your exact diagnosis you may have a combination of any of the following: surgery, radiation, hormonal (anti-estrogen) therapy and chemotherapy.
There are also complementary and holistic medicines and techniques such as yoga and meditation, that can be given alongside stronger treatment.
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